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Krantenartikelen / Articles, The New York Times and Others
The New York Times, July 8, 1895, Wednesday

The "Rotterdam" Arrives on Her Maiden Trip from Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Passed Four Icebergs.

The steamship Rotterdam, a new oil tank steamship, which was built by the Palmer Shipbuilding and Iron Company of Jarrow, England, for the American Petroleum Company, arrived in this port yesterday on her maiden trip from Newcastle-on-Tyne. The vessel is manned by a crew of thirty-six, and is said to be the largest oil tank steamship afloat.
The voyage from Newcastle was made in eleven days, which is very good time for a ship of the Rotterdam's class.  Capt. Voege reports having; sighted four big icebergs during the journey. Two of these were larger than any others reported by incoming ships this year. According to Capt. Voege, they measured 600 feet in length and towered 200 feet above the sea. The bergs were sighted July 3. The quartet of arctic wanderers was strung along the westward steam lane between latitude 48 degrees 4 minutes and longitude 49 degrees 20 minutes and latitude 47 degrees 49 minutes and longitude 49 degrees ,56 minutes.
The Rotterdam is consigned to C.H. Randebrock. She measures 2,784 tons net, is barkentine rigged, and has two funnels. On her trial trip, made last March, the Rotterdam grounded in a fog and damaged the under water section of her hull to such an extent that when placed in dry-dock for repairs it was found necessary to remove 150 plates.