Abandan Sinking Ship
Liner Philadelphia Rescues Crew of 35 From Standard Oil Tank Steamer Chester.
New York, Feb. 5. - The Standard Oil tank ship Chester, which left New York January 23 for Rotterdam, was wrecked and abandoned in mid-ocean, her crew of about 35 were rescued by the American liner Phlladel-phia, according to a wireless today from the Philadelphia's captain.
The message did not state the exact number rescued. The following announcement was made by the Phila-delphia's owners:
"Captain Mills this afternoon reports by wireless the rescue at 7:30 O'clock yesterday morning, February 4, of the crew of the Standard Oil tank steamer Chester, which was abandoned in a sinking condition in latitude 47.06 north longitude 32.53 west.
"The Chester sailed from New York for Rotterdam January 23, with a cargo of oil. The Philadelphia, which left Liverpool last Saturday afternoon, was 1.340 miles east of Ambrose Channel lightship this afternoon and will probably not dock until Monday. The Philadelphia has been delayed and indications are that the delay was due to her standing by the Chester and taking off the crew."
Officials of the Standard oil company said the Chester carried a crew of about 35. Other than the wireless message, they had received no word that the vessel had been wrecked.