![]() A bareboat chartered vessel had her name change recently. She is now “Esso Orion“ the former “Esso Liguria." The latter name
was returned to Esso Italiana.
“ORION” is a star constellation on the equator, the brightest stars of which are Betelgeuse and Rigel.
ln the Greek mythology “ORION” was a very great hunter, always followed by his two hunting dogs, Syrius and Procyon. At his belt used to hang the heads of three lions which he killed in the forest. “ORION”. son of Jupiter and Gea (in ancient Greek: the earth),
proudly challenged his mother to produce an animal which was able to beat him. In vain, Gea, in order to humiliate him, sent against him a fierce bull which killed his favourite dog, Syrius.
At the end, Gea arranged to have him stung by a scorpion and it was ORION who asked Jupiter to transform him into a star constellation together with his two dogs, Syrius and Procyon.
According to other mythological sources (Odyssey) ORION was the son of Hyrieus or Poseidon and was killed by the goddess Artemis, who loved him but she was deceived by the angry Apollo into shooting him by mistake with her arrows.
The change of name took place in Singapore and was witnessed by Mr. G. Bracco, Port Engineer.