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Calliope - (1935-1946)
Photo by Howaltswerke Deutsche Werft AG ( HDW archives, Kiel ).
"Calliope" build in 1926 by Howaltswerke AG, Kiel, for the Baltisch-Amerikanische Petroleum-Import GmbH, Danzig.
In 1928 managed by Waried Tankschiff-Rhederei GmbH, Hamburg.
In 1935 to Panama Transport Co., Panama.
In 1939 German crew exchainged for an American crew.
In 1945 renamed "Ampetco" for the Belgium Overseas Transports SA, Antwerpen.
Sold in 1947 as "Maria Letiza" for Cia. Operationes maritimes SA, Panama.
Sold in 1951 as "Barbara Ann" for Pan American Steamships of Panama SA, Panama.
Scrapped in 1953 in Hamburg by Eckhardt & Co.
Additional Info by Starke & Schell Registers :
CALLIOPE - 1926 DZ 2M (aft) (11)
8,744 GRT for Baltisch-Amerik. Petroleum Import G.m.b.H., Danzig 470.2 x 63.2
Tanker build by Howaldtswerke, Kiel (8) #675
1935 - Panama Transport Co., Panama PA
1946 - AMPETCO Belgian Overseas Transports, S.A., Antwerp BE
1947 - Standard American Petroleum Co., S.A., Antwerp
1947 - MARIA LETIZIA G. Cia. de Operaciones Maritimas, S.A., Panama [Gens - Genoa] PA
1951 - BARBARA ANN Pan American SS. Corp., of Panama, S.A., Panama (New York)
Broken up at Hamburg 1953 by Eckhardt & Co. G.m.b.H., arr. 27.10.1953, work began 1.11.1953.
"Calliope" loading oil at Bayway, New Jersey, November 10th, 1939.
( Photo Alan B. Deitsch )
"Calliope" in service for Panama Transport Company, Panama, inbound September 1st, 1943. (Photo US Coast Guard)
"Calliope" starboard side view underway, June 29th, 1944.
( Photo Alan B. Deitsch )
"Calliope", seen here as "Ampetco (III)".