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Esso Santa Fe (2) - (1953-1971)
Drawing of the "Esso Santa Fe".
"Esso Santa Fe".
Sabaneta 9.1927 2,395 Gt
1947: (Esso Transportation Co. Ltd.), London.
1952: (Panama Transport Co.).
1953: Esso Santa Fe (Esso Transportadora de Petroleo S.A., Argentina).
1954: (Esso S.A. Petrolera, Argentina).
1963: (Petromar S.A. de Nav., Argentina).
1964: Reduced to a bunkering vessel for river service only.
1971: Reported scrapped Argentina.
Additional Info by Starke & Schell Registers :
SABANETA - 1927 BR 2 Triple (aft) (10½)
2,396 GRT for Lago Shipping Co., Ltd. (A. Weir & Co.), London 305.7 x 50.2
Tanker built by Harland & Wolff, Ltd., Belfast (9) #810 149906
1936 - s/o (self managed)
1945 - Esso Transportation Co., Ltd., London
1953 - Esso Transportadora de Petroleos, S.A., Buenos Aires AR
1954 - ESSO SANTA FÉ, s/o
1963 - Petromar S.A. de Nav., Buenos Aires [Esso]
Broken up in Argentina 1971.