Notice of Application for a Submarine Pipeline Works Authorisation
BP Exploration Operating Company Limited hereby gives notice on behalf of itself and co-holder(s), Britoil Limited, Shell (UK) Limited and OMV (UK) Limited in accordance with the provisions of Part I of Schedule 2 to the Petroleum Act 1998 that it has made an application to the Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change for the grant of an authorisation for the construction and use of a system of pipelines between a replacement new build FPSO “Glen Lyon” on the same location in the Schiehallion Field through the installation of new infrastructure and modification of existing infrastructure to the drill centres, namely Central, West, North, North West Area and Well AG01.
A map (or maps) delineating the route of the proposed pipelines and providing certain further information may be inspected free of charge at the places listed in the Schedule to this notice from 10am to 4pm on each weekday from the date that this notice is published until the date mentioned in the next paragraph of this