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Grande Ronde
"Grande Ronde", possibly in the colours of the Los Angeles Tanker Co., Inc.
( Photo Copyright World Ship Society, Ltd.)
"Grande Ronde". Postal envelope, issued on March 11th, 1999.
( United States Postal Service )
"Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
"Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde" at Hamburg, Germany. Taken in Hamburg by family member in 1960
( Photo thanks to DDGHANSA )
"Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde". Anchored at Detroit, USA, early 1980's.
( Photo thanks to Rudi Rabe ).
"Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde". Anchored at Detroit, USA, early 1980's.
"Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
"Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
"Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
( Photo Copyright David Whiteside )
"Canadian Ranger", ex. "Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
"Canadian Ranger", ex. "Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
"Canadian Ranger", ex. "Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
"Canadian Ranger", ex. "Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
"Canadian Ranger", ex. "Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde".
The stern of the "CHIMO" joined to the fore/mid section of the "HILDA MARJANNE" as the
"CANADIAN RANGER" on the Welland Canal, Aug 21, 1984.
( Photo Copyright Roland Whaite )
"Canadian Ranger", ex. "Hilda Marjanne" ex. "Kate N.L." ex. "Grande Ronde", beached at Aliaga.
( Photo Copyright Selim San )
History :
Built by The Kaiser Co., Swan Island Yard, Portland, Oregon.
Yardnumber 43. UMSC No. 835. Off. nr. 244922.
Keel laid 22-10-1943. Launched 09-12-1943. Completed 24-12-1943. Gr. 10448 t., Net. 6285 t., Dw. 16613 t. L.o.a. 159,57 m., Br. 20,78 m., Dr. 8,99 m. Engine: 2 steam turbines, manufactured by General Electric Company, Lynn, Massachussetts. 7240 B.h.p., 5401 kW. Speed 15 knots. 26 Tanks.
GRANDE RONDE-1948 completed for United States War Shipping Administration, Portland, Oregon, USA.
KATE N.L.-1948 for Cephalonian Maritime Company Ltd., Athens, Greece.
HILDA MARJANNE-1960 for Leitch Transport Ltd., Toronto, Canada.
HILDA MARJANNE-1977 for Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd., Toronto, Canada.
Additional Reports:
Reported Hilda Marjanne lengthened, widened and converted into self unloading bulk carrier in 1961 for Great Lakes service by replacing bow and cargo section with new forebody built by Schlieker Werft, Hamburg.
New dimensions, 6 Holds, 20 Hatches: 20 x 4,3 x 17,9 m., Grain 32483 m3., 221.6 / 217.1 x 23.0 m, 16628 grt / 23000 dwt.
Reported Canadian Ranger dismantled 1984 - forebody joined to machinery section of m/v CHIMO (1967) re-named CANADIAN RANGER, stern discarded