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Fort Mercer
"Fort Mercer", inbound, passing in the Houston ship channel (Texas), 1950/51.
( Photo by Adolf Tolska, thanks to Tom Tolska )
( NY11-Feb.18, 1952 ) STORM-STRICKEN SHIP
The Fort Mercer (above), 10,000-ton tanker was found by a Coast Guard plane this afternoon about 30 miles east of Chatham,
Mass., almost awash. The plane reported the ship's lifeboats gone and that the craft possibly had been abanded.
Earlier the Fort Mercer had sent an SOS while wallowing in heavy seas accompanyng a storm which lasted New England.
( AP WirePhoto )
Aided by AMVER, 70 men were rescued by the Coast Guard cutter "Eastwind" from the stern section of the tanker
"Fort Mercer", which broke in two off Cape Cod, Massachuchetts, in February, 1952.
Crewmen of the U.S. Coast Guard YAKUTAT draw in a rubber liferaft with the last two survivors from the bow section of the
broken tanker SS FORT MERCER.
Twenty minutes later the broken hulk heaved into the air and turned keel upward to sink into the sea. Four of nine men stranded
on the bow section were rescued by the YAKUTAT. The others disappeared in the sea - four while jumping during a rescue attempt
under the canopy of evening darkness (February 18, 1952) when a line holding three liferafts parted, and one while transferring
from the after end of the hulk to the forward section during the night when rescue attempts were abandoned until daylight."
( Official USCG Photo, 2-18-52; Photographer unknown. )
The cutter Eastwind cruises around the still floating stern section of the SS Fort Mercer.
( Official USCG Photo, 2-18-52; Photographer unknown. )
Close up photo off the still floating stern section of the SS Fort Mercer.
( Official USCG Photo, 2-18-52; Photographer unknown. )
Another view of the rescue of crewmen from the Fort Mercer's stern section.
( Official USCG Photo, 2-18-52; Photographer unknown. )
The stern of the tanker "San Jacinto" after the ship broke in two in March 1964, for the second time.
Built as the "Fort Mercer" she had suffered a simular casualty in February 1952, when she
broke in two in a gale off Cape Cod.
"San Jancinto", ex. "Fort Mercer".
"Pasadena", ex. "San Jancinto", ex. "Fort Mercer", seen here in front of the "Fort Worth".
"Pasadena", ex. "San Jancinto", ex. "Fort Mercer".
( Photo copyright M. Lennon )
History :
Built by Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pennsylvania. Yardnumber 534. UMSC No.2709. Official nr. 248894.
Keel laid 28-06-1945. Launched 02-10-1945. Completed 31-10-1945. Gr. 10266 t., Net. 6236 t., Dw. 16613 t. L.o.a. 159,57 m., Br. 20,78 m., Dr. 9,31 m. Engine: 2 steam turbines, manufactured by Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh. 7240 B.h.p., 5401 kW. Speed 15 knots. 26 Tanks.
FORT MERCER-1945 completed for United States War Shipping Administration, Philadelphia, USA.
FORT MERCER-1946 for Trinidad Corporation, Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
SAN JACINTO-1953 for Trinidad Corporation, Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
PASADENA-1965 for Trinidad Corporation, Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
Additional Reports:
Reported FORT MERCER broke in two in a gale, 18 Feb. 1952, 30 miles east of Chatham, Mass, voyage New Orleans - Portland, Maine, crude oil, bow capsized and sunk by U. S. Coast Guard 19th as a hazard to navigation, stern taken in tow to Newport, R.I.
Reported SAN JACINTO renamed same owner, re-built and lengthened with new bow section built by Todd Shipyards Corp., Galveston, Texas, 166.1 m reg, 11257 grt, delivered Aug. 1953.
Reported SAN JACINTO damaged by explosion during tankceaning and broke in two, 26 Mar. 1964, off the coast of Virginia in position 37.48 N-74.27 W, voyage Portland, Maine - Jacksonville, in ballast, both sections towed to Norfolk.
Reported PASADENA renamed same owner, rebuilt and lengthened with remaining cargo section replaced with new forebody by Newport News SB. & DD. Co., Newport News,resulting vessel 190.1 / 181.1 x 22.6 m, 14844 grt / 27472 dwt, delivered Sep. 1965.
(The leftover bow section of the SAN JACINTO joined in Apr. 1967 the stern section of MISSION SAN CARLOS and was converted to a vehicle carrier, renamed SEATRAIN MARYLAND)
Reported Pasadena sold to shipbreakers in Bangladesh. Arrived Bhatiyari Beach, Chittagong 14 Aug. 1983 to be broken up. Beached and work began 25 Aug. 1983. [ By Steel Enterprise Ltd. ]