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Malvern Hill
 "Esso Charlotte", ex."Malvern Hill".
( Photo thanks to Joseph William ( Bill ) Carmena Jr., see inserted photo )

Joseph William Carmena Jr. wrote :
In  1946 I originally wanted to ship out on a United Fruit vessel because one of my distantrelatives was a Chief Engineer on one of their ships. I went thru the same  rigamaroll as most did with the Union and  their requirement for initiation fees, dues and exceterera. I would have ended up working for "free". My dad found out from the ESSO Port Captain in Baton Rouge that ESSO had a "Company Union" of their own with membership at NO Cost w/No Dues. That how I shipped out with ESSO. I was able to get my Seaman's Papers ( License ) at the Coast Guard office at the foot of Canal about an hour and, as I remember it, they took my picture and issued my license for 3 entry levels: Ordinary Seaman (Deck), Wiper (Engine Room) and Messman (Steward's Dept). My first assignment was as an ABLE BODIED Seaman because an AB had left the ship in New Orleans and they could not find a qualified replacement so I was notified at 02:00AM to report to Algiers for an 06:00 "cast off". I was paid at the AB rate till we get a qualified replacement .
I was assigned the previous AB's private cabin which I stayed in till I returned to Baton Rouge to start LSU in September of 1946. GREAT Summer. For a "Home Boy" like me, it was the "Adventure of a Life Time". I'll never forget it.

"Annelli", ex. "Helen H.", ex. "Esso Charlotte", ex."Malvern Hill".
( Photo Copyright Marc Piche )
 "Annelli", ex. "Helen H.", ex. "Esso Charlotte", ex."Malvern Hill".

History :
Built by Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pennsylvania.
Yardnumber 302. UMSC No. 380. Official nr. 245029.
Keel laid 09-10-1943. Launched 07-01-1944. Completed 28-01-1944. Gr. 10296 t., Net. 6370 t., Dw. 16613 t. L.o.a. 161,26 m., Br. 21,00 m., Dr. 8,08 m. Engine: 2 steam turbines, manufactured by General Electric Company, Lynn, Massachussetts. 7240 B.h.p.,5401 kW. Speed 15 knots.26 Tanks.                
MALVERN HILL-1944 completed for United States War Shipping Administration, Philadelphia, USA.
ESSO CHARLOTTE-1946 for Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
ESSO CHARLOTTE-1957 for Esso Shipping Company , Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
HELEN H.-1958 for Windsor Tankers Inc., Panama.
HELEN H.-1960 for Winco Tankers Inc., Panama.
ANNELI-1973 for Compania Commercial Anneli S.A., Piraeus, Greece.
MANDARIN-1976 for Lavender Bay Shipping Company Ltd., Piraeus, Greece.
Additional Reports:
Reported Helen H. lengthened, widened by replacement of cargo section with new midbody and converted into bulk carrier in 1960 by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Kobe, Japan, delivered 4/1960.
1960 New Dimensions 168.1 pp x 22.9 m, 13268 grt / 23999 dwt.
Reported Mandarin sold to shipbreakers in Pakistan. Arrived Gadani Beach 22 Nov.1977 to be broken up.