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More photos of the "Bulktrader"
Mr. Don Wright wrote to me :
Hello Auke,
I have some photos that you may be interested in. My father was a shipfitter at Welding Shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia back in the 1940’s.
Photography was his hobby and he took lots of photos of the ships he helped build there in the yard. I believe they are of historical
interest and so I have created a website to exhibit his photos. But I’m sure they would get much more exposure on your great website and I hope you will take and make use of them. If you do use them please give credit to my father, Thomas Fred Wright Jr.
"Bulktrader", 23 December, 1949 - Note the large number of Sumner-class destroyers in the background (home for the holidays).
( Photo Copyright Thomas Fred Wright Jr. )
6 January, 1950 - The holidays are over and most of the destroyers and even the tender have pulled out. Work continues on the "Bulktrader".
( Photo Copyright Thomas Fred Wright Jr. )
1950 (sometime after 6 Jan. but before 17 Mar.) "Bulktrader" and the recently launched 191 foot yacht "
( Photo Copyright Thomas Fred Wright Jr. )
"Bulktrader", 17 March, 1950 - A great angle from one of the cranes.
( Photo Copyright Thomas Fred Wright Jr. )