The attached auxiliary motor capacity for machinery spaces, including cargo pump motors, is on the order of 1300 hp.
The main propulsion turbines exhaust directly into a condenser mounted athwartship directly beneath the turbine. This condenser is
served by condensate pumps and by twin air ejector with inter and after condensers. The condensate is pumped through a drain cooler, where it picks up some heat, and from thence through a first stage heater and up to the combined deaerating heater and hot well of the Elliot type, located in the upper fidley and forming a positive suction for the main feed pumps.
![]() The main steam turbine from portside, looking starboard and aft showing the throttle wheel in center foreqround.
![]() Partial view of main switchboard, showinq main turbo generator gages and controls, and also engine order teleqraph.
Marinship credit subcontractors with much of their success in producing these fine, speedy tankers. There are 15 of these of whom the first four hold contracts direct with U. S. Maritime Commission and the other 11 are contracting with Marinship. They are:
National Joinery Company, with a plant at San Rafael, 10 miles from the shipyard and six trucking units. This firm takes charge of all joiner work.
Turner Resilient Floors, Inc., deck coverings.
Selby Battersby 8t Co., plastic ar mor.
Robert F. Smith Company, bituminous enameling.
Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works, heat insulation.
Ralph E. Manns Company, refriegeration, telemotor and vent gage piping.
J. M.J. Firebrick Construction Company, boiler brick work.
Pacific Erecting Company, boiler erection.
Armstrong Cork Company, refrigerator boxes and fiber glass insulation.
Reader-Thum-Mancini Co., plumbing systems.
Hall Laboratories, Inc., boiler and feed water conditioning.
Industrial X-Ray Engineers, inspection of pipe welds and piping.
Malott & Peterson, concrete and mastic floors in refrigeration boxes.
Rigney Tile Company, ceramic tiling.
The vendors who supply equipment, materials and machinery for these ships represent contributions from all parts of the United States.
There are many piping systems on a tanker, and this and its valves, fittings and pipe attachments were supplied by some 125 manufacturers with plants in 25 states of the Union.
Here are a few samples:
Associated Valve and Engineering Co., Illinois; Darling Valve & Mfg. Company, Pennsylvania; Edward Valve & Mfg. Company, Indiana; Crane Company, Washington, D. C.; Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Company, New York; Farris Engineering Co., New Jersey; Lunkenheimer Company, Ohio; Wm. Powell Company, Ohio; Walworth Co. Inc., New York; W-K-M Company Inc., Texas;
American Machinery Corporation, Florida; Atwood & Morrill Co., Massachusetts; C. H. Dutten & Co., Michigan; Los Angeles Steel Castings Co., California: Miller Metal Products Company Inc., Maryland; Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Connecticut; The Southeastern Foundries, Inc., Georgia; Campbell Oil Tool Co., West Virginia; Worden-Allen Company, Wisconsin: J. C. Muller Inc., Virginia; Armco Drainage & Metal Products Inc.. Colorado; Zallia Bros. & Johnson, Delaware; Tube Turns Inc.. Kentucky: Tennent Steel Casting Company, Washington; Stockton Pipe Fittings Co., Alabama; A. M. Byers Company, Pennsylvania; Chase Brass & Copper Company, Connecticut: Steel Pipe & Tanker Co., Oregon; American Brass Company and Phelps Dodge Copper Products
Corp. both of Washington, D. C.; and The National Tube Company, Pennsylvania.
Pump manufacturers represented in the machinery installation include:
Coulds Pumps Inc., Quimby Pumps Co. Inc.. Dayton-Dowd Co., National Transit Pump & Machine Company, Joshua Hendy Iron Works (Pomona Pump Division), Ingersoll Rand Co., and Wilson Snyder Mfg. Co.
Deck machinery was supplied by Hesse-Ersted Iron Works of Portland, Oregon, who furnished the windlasses and some of the winches; and by American Hoist & Derrick of St. Paul. Minnesota, who furnished many of the winches.
The Sperry Gyroscope Company supplied complete gyro-compass equipment with steering and hearing repeaters, course recorders, gyropilots, revolution and helm indicator systems, and control panels. Magnetic compasses, binnacles and electric sounding machines came from Kelvin & Wilfred O. White Co. Of Boston, Massachusetts.
Deck fittings, such as padeyes, cleats. bollards, hooks, turnbuckles, lashing rings, wire rope and hemp cordage, came from a couple of dozen firms whose plants span the nation from Portland, Maine, to Los Angeles, California, and from Florida to Seattle.
![]() Lower: View in generator room, looking outboard aft at upper deck level, showing 10-ton overhead traveling crane.
![]() From starboard looking forward to port, showing main condenser in background.
![]() Hand steerinq gear pump. looking to starboard.
![]() Shaft turning gear, looking outboard.
![]() Carrier refrigeration compressor, showing cork insulafion, (partly installed), gage board, air receiver, replenishing tank, and piping arranqement in steerinq gear room aft, porl side, looking outboord.
The End.