Geupload door TerminatorFRA op 30 jan 2011
Model that took me ~20 hours for doing it and 3 hours for making the movie.
It features an inside admission on the HP cylinder and an outside admission on the LP cylinder. Both are in double admission and single exhaust channels. Combined with this, the steam piping section and valves are relatively big. Giving to it more torque at higher speed (=more power).
Since the cylinders are 20x40 and 30x40 cm. At 8 bars it gives approximately 4000 Nm at low speed.
The intake is the tube in red pointing upwards. The output the blue one on other side.
The cutoff is set by the two levers in the middle, the cyan one for BP and red one for HP.
The model has been first designed with the valve gear program of Charles J Dockstader.