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Fort Clatsop
"Fort Clatsop".
( Photo Copyright Walter E. Frost )
"Fort Clatsop".
( Photo Copyright Walter E. Frost )
"Fort Clatsop".
( Photo Copyright Walter E. Frost )
"Fort Clatsop".
"Fort Clatsop".
"Oregon Standard", ex. "Fort Clatsop", after the collision with the "Arizona Standard", in 1971.
( Newspaper clip photo )
Text with photo :
January 1971 - Collision: At 1:41 a.m., January. 18, in low visibility, as the HARP watch standers looked
on helplessly, the tankers ARIZONA STANDARD and OREGON STANDARD collided near the Golden Gate
Bridge, spilling 800,000 gallons of oil into San Francisco Bay, causing extreme environmental damage and
raising national publicity. This collision resulted in the complete shutdown of port operations. The cause of the
accident, according to the NTSB was: (1) the failure of the vessels to establish and maintain communications;
(2) navigating a narrow channel in dense fog; (3) failure of the OREGON STANDARD to make timely radar
contact; (4) loss of radar contact by the ARIZONA STANDARD and (5) negligence on the part of both masters.
The NTSB recommended that HARP be continued and that Congress pass legislation requiring the use of
Bridge-to-Bridge radiotelephone.
( U.S. Coast Guard )
"Oregon Standard", ex. "Fort Clatsop", after the collision with the "Arizona Standard", in 1971.
( Newspaper clip photo )
"Oregon Standard", ex. "Fort Clatsop".
History :
Built by The Kaiser Co., Swan Island Yard, Portland, Oregon.
Yardnumber 97. USMC No. 1954. Off. nr. 246773.
Keel laid 31-08-1944. Launched 13-10-1944. Completed 08-11-1944. Gr. 10448 t., Net. 6285 t., Dw. 16613 t. L.o.a. 159,57 m., Br. 20,78 m., Dr. 8,99 m. Engine: 2 steam turbines, manufactured by General Electric Company, Lynn, Massachussetts. 7240 B.h.p., 5401 kW. Speed 15 knots. 26 Tanks.
FORT CLATSOP-1944 completed for United States War Shipping Administration, Portland, Oregon, USA.
FORT CLATSOP-1947 for Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, California, USA.
OREGON STANDARD-1957 for Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, California, USA.
Additional Reports:
Reported Oregon Standard Collided with te/t ARIZONA STANDARD, 18 Jan 1971, in San Francisco Bay entrance, voyage San Francisco - Vancouver, heavy fuel oil. bow removed to repair ARIZONA STANDARD, bow and 109 feet forward cargo section replaced with forward section discarded from conversion of T-2 tanker PETROLITE to container ship.
Reported Oregon Standard sold to shipbreakers in Taiwan. Arrived Kaohsiung 27 Apr. 1976 to be broken up. Work began 29 May 1976. [ By Nan Yung Steel & Iron Company Ltd. ]