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Princeton / Esso Manhattan
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Thanks to Mike Holdoway webmaster of the Arnold Hague Ports database.
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), during War time.
( Photo NARAD )
"Esso Manhattan", ex. "Princeton" built by Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa.
Seen here loading at Corpus Christi, September 19th, 1953.
( Esso photo )
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton") built by Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa.
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), 29 march 1943, broken, in New York harbour, repaired.
Construction on top is to take cargo such as MTB´s (Motor Torpedo Boats).
Esso Manhattan.
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), in Drydock.
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), in Drydock, the two parts welded together.
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), after repair.
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), again in service.
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), during War time.
Miraculously, the submarine succeeded in clearing the tanker´s bows by a few feet. No one could say whether the
sub was friendly or hostile. It was not sighted again. Drawing by W. Spencer Wright illustrates one of the many
thrilling occasions during the South Pacific war service of the "Esso Manhattan".
"Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), plunging the waves.
Mr. Milton Bell, wrote me about the "Esso Manhattan", the following ;
Launched 1942 by Sun Shipbuilding Co, Chester, Pa as the T-2 tanker PRINCETON but completed as the
ESSO MANHATTAN. She highlighted the problem of the construction of these ships when on 29th Mar.1943
she left New York in fine weather and a slight sea, and suddenly broke in half. It was originally thought that she had
struck a mine, but after the two halves were towed to port, it was found that the damage was not caused by explosion.
She was later repaired and sailed again on 11th June ( I imagine that it was not easy to find a crew! ).
After completing her service as a tanker in 1959, she was converted to a self unloading bulker, by
Gibbs Corp, Jacksonville, Fla, and was equipped with two 30-ton cranes. The bridge housing was moved aft just
ahead of the funnel and she was renamed MARTHA MAC and operated by Gulfcoast Transit Company of Tampa, Fl
in the phosphat-coal trade between Florida and Louisiana.
1965 MARINE PROGRESS, Marine Nav. Co, USA,
1966 MARINE ENTERPRISE, same owner,
1970 transferred to Panamanian registry renamed ENTERPRISE.
1974 scrapped at Kaohsiung.
"Martha Mac", ex. "Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton"), after conversion, seen here at Myrtle Grove, Louisiana,
around 1965 while loading coal for Tampa.
( Photo thanks to Milton Bell )
"Martha Mac", ex. "Esso Manhattan" (ex "Princeton").
( Photo from book "Victory Ships and Tankers" by Sawyer & Mitchell )
History :
Built by Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pennsylvania.
Yardnumber 267. UMSC No. 323. Official nr. 242157
Keel laid 15-12-1941. Launched 31-07-1942.Completed 22-08-1942. Gr. 10172 t., Net. 6209 t., Dw. 16613 t. L.o.a. 159,57 m., Br. 20,78 m., Dr. 9,23 m. Engine: 2 steam turbines, manufactured by Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh. 7240 B.h.p.,5401 kW. Speed 15 knots. 26 Tanks.
Launched as PRINCETON-1942 for United States War Shipping Administration, Philadelphia, USA.
ESSO MANHATTAN-1942 for Standard Oil Co of New Jersey , Wilmington, Delaware, USA
ESSO MANHATTAN-1950 for Esso Shipping Company, Wilmington, Delaware, USA
MARTHA MAC-1959 for Gulfcoast Transit Company, Tampa, Florida, USA.
MARINE PROGRESS-1965 for Marine Navigation Company Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
MARINE ENTERPRISE-1966 for Marine Navigation Company Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
ENTERPRISE-1970 for Marine Navigation Company Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
Additional Reports:
Reported Esso Manhattan broken in New York harbor 29 Mar.1943.
Both sections towed in, rejoined and returned to service June 1943 and resumed trading.
Reported Martha Mac converted into bulk carrier in 1959 by Gibbs Corporation, Jacksonville.
New Dimensions 19870 grt / 14726 dwt.
Reported Enterprise sold to shipbreakers in South Korea. Arrived Ulsan 8 May 1974 to be broken up. Work began 27 Jun. 1974. [ By Chou’s Iron & Steel Company ]