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"Nehalem" after delivery.
The S.S. "GULFGLOW", continuing to Sparrows Point, with a cargo of Bunker C-oil, for Bethlehem Steel Company.
The damage to her starboard bow is evident.
Picture taken between Smith Point and Sparrows Point, Time: 12:30 PM, Wednesday, March 5, 1952.
( Hagley Digital Archives )
The ship arrived at Bethlehom Steel Company, Sparrows Point, for the purpose of discharging her cargo.
Time of arrival: 5:00 PM. Wednesday. March, 1952.
( Hagley Digital Archives )
Overall-view showing I beam members secured to forecastle deck to hold the ship in alignment.
Also showing staging and crane removing a piece of scrap. March, 1952, 3:20 PM.
( Hagley Digital Archives )
Leaving Pier # 1, showing the 20,000 ton dock and the Baltimore Yard in the background.
Job completed. Ship underway. Time: 8:00 AM, March 29, 1952.
( Hagley Digital Archives )
Drawing of the "Emsfalke".
( Unknown artist )
"Emsfalke", ex. "Gulfglow", ex. "Nehalem".
( Photo Copyright Rudy Klein )
"Emsfalke", ex. "Gulfglow", ex. "Nehalem".
( Photo collection B. Rohbrecht )
History :
Built by The Kaiser Co., Swan Island Yard, Portland, Oregon.
Yardnumber 47. UMSC No. 839. Off. nr. 245054.
Keel laid 16-11-1943. Launched 05-01-1944. Completed 02-02-1944. Gr. 10448 t., Net. 6285 t., Dw. 16613 t. L.o.a. 159,57 m., Br. 20,78 m., Dr. 8,99 m. Engine: 2 steam turbines, manufactured by General Electric Company, Lynn, Massachussetts. 7240 B.h.p., 5401 kW. Speed 15 knots. 26 Tanks.
NEHALEM-1944 completed for United States war Shipping Administration, Portland, Oregon, USA.
GULFGLOW-1948 for Gulf Oil Corporation, Philadelphia, USA.
EMSFALKE-1960 for Emder Tankschiffahrt G.m.b.H., Emden, Germany.
Additional Reports:
Reported Gulfglow was involved in collision with IMPERIAL TORONTO 4 Mar. 1952 and suffered severe bow damage. Repaired at Bethlehem Steel, Sparrows Point, sailed 29 Mar. and resumed trading.
Reported Emsfalke laid up in Hamburg since 11 Aug. 1963.
Reported Emsfalke sold to shipbreakers in Germany. Arrived Eisen Metall AG, Hamburg 2 Jul. 1966 to be broken up. [ By Eisen u. Metall AG ]

Letter, signed by Pres. Franklin Roosevelt and addressed to Albert Bauer, was found in the Oregon
Shipbuilding Corporation photographic collection in the S.S. Nehalem album folder.