Van de werf van W.G. A rmstrong Whitsworth & Co. Ltd. te Walker werd de vorige week met goed gevolg te water gelaten de voor de American Petroleum Cy. te Rotterdam nieuwgebouwide tankboot "Amsterdam", waarvan de hoofdafmetingen zijn 455' X 57.6' X 33.11'. Het schip zal worden voorzien van een Triple expansie machine, waarvoor de stoom wordt geleverd door drie ketels, werkende met een druk van 180 Ibs., welke het schip bij een lading van 10.450 ton d.w. een vaartsnelheld zal verleenen van circa 11knoop. Deze machine is eveneens door genoemde firma vervaardigd in haar fabriek te Elswick. Het schip is gebouwd volgens de voorschriften van Lloyd's Register voor klasse 100 A1, de Engelsche Board of Trade, Nederlandsche Schepenwet en voor de vaart door het Suez- en-Panama kanaaI.
De tanker ss. 'Amsterdam' (1922) van Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (PIM), op weg van Beaumont (Texas) naar Freetown met 9.500 ton olie, onder kapitein H. Schol, wordt onder de Venezolaanse kust door de Duitse onderzeeboot 'U 66' getorpedeerd en tot zinken gebracht op 100 zeemijl ten zuidwesten van Port of Spain (op positie 12.00° N / 62.45° W). Vijf bemanningsleden komen hierbij om het leven. De Amerikaanse tanker 'Meton', varende in konvooi TAG 18 naar Cuba, wordt op dezelfde dag tot zinken gebracht door de Duitse onderzeeboot 'U 129' op positie 12.25° N / 69.20° W. Eén bemanningslid komt hierbij om het leven, de 39 andere opvarenden kunnen worden gered door de Nederlandse TB 23 (MTB) en naar Curaçao worden overgebracht.
Bron: L.L. von Münching: 'De Nederlandse koopvaardij in WO II' (1978).
The Miramar Ship Index for
American Petroleum Co.
1Triple Expansion-10
2800 IPK
Tanker Shelterdeck closed
Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd
Newcastle on Tyne
Yard No
Country built
Subsequent History
1937 AMSTERDAM NV Petroleum Industrie Mij.
Disposal Data
Op weg van Smith's Bluff (Beaumont, Texas) naar Freetown met 9.500 ton schone olieproducten, onder kapitein H. Schol, op 100 mijl ten noordwesten van Port of Spain door de Duitse onderzeeboot 'U 66' getorpedeerd en tot zinken gebracht op 100 zeemijl ten zuidwesten van Port of Spain (op positie 12.00° N / 62.45° W). Vijf bemanningsleden komen om het leven.
At 17.45 hours on 16 Apr, 1942, the unescorted Amsterdam (Master H. Schol) was hit simultaneously by two torpedoes from U-66, the first amidships, the second in the engine room. The most of the crew abandoned the ship in the two starboard lifeboats before the tanker sank 60 miles west of British Grenada. The survivors were picked up by the Yugoslavian steam merchant Ivan (Master F. Ilic) and were landed at Port of Spain, Trinidad less than a day later.
U boats in WW II
Type : IXC
Laid down : 20 Mar, 1940 AG Weser, Bremen
Commissioned : 2 Jan, 1941 - Kptlt. Richard Zapp (Knights Cross)
Commanders :
2 Jan, 1941 - 21 Jun, 1942 - KrvKpt. Richard Zapp (Knights Cross)
22 Jun, 1942 - 1 Sep, 1943 - Kptlt. Friedrich Markworth (Knights Cross)
6 Aug, 1943 - 1 Sep, 1943 - Oblt. Paul Frerks
2 Sep, 1943 - 6 May, 1944 - Gerhard Seehausen
Career : 9 patrols - 2 Jan, 1941 - 30 Apr, 1941 2. Flottille (training)
1 May, 1941 - 6 May, 1944 2. Flottille (front boat)
Successes : 33 ships sunk for a total of 200.021 tons
4 ships damaged for a total of 22.738 tons
Fate :
Sunk 6 May, 1944 west of the Cape Verde Islands, in position 17.17N, 32.29W, by depth charges, ramming and gunfire from Avenger and Wildcat aircraft of the US escort carrier USS Block Island and by the US destroyer escort USS Buckley.
24 dead and 36 survivors.
![]() USS Block Island.
![]() USS Buckley.
* U-66 was on her 10th Patrol when she was attacked on 3 Aug, 1943 by aircraft from the US escort carrier USS Card. The II WO was killed and the Commander, the I WO and 7 other men were wounded. On 7 Aug, 1943 they met the oil supply U-boat U-117 and the WO Oblt. Frerks from that boat took over the command. Immediately afterwards the U-117 was sunk with all hands, U-66 was still along its side at the time of the attack but managed to escape.
U-66 brought no luck to the supply-boats. On the night from 25th to 26th Apr, 1944 they were planning to be supplied from U-488, but the Milk Cow was sunk during that night, 4 days before U-66 herself was also sunk.
U-66 was hunted by aircraft and surface escorts of the escort carrier USS Block Island from May 1. Several attacks were made, including 3 Fido homing torpedoes that were dropped on the boat. Finally on the morning of the 6th U-66 was seen by the destroyer escort USS Buckley. After exchange of gunfire the escort rammed the boat at 0329 and many Germans climbed on the escort's forecastle. The Americans believed they were being boarded as some Germans carried small arms and a small brawl ensued. The escort backed away from the U-boat leaving 5 armed Germans on the escort who were promptly subdued and taken below. The U-boat started to draw ahead but then turned and hit the escort near its engine room and for the second time the boat was raked with gunfire. The boat then finally sank after a final salvo from the escort's 3in gun after one of the longest fights in the war.
U-66 was one of the five boats that started Operation Drumbeat in Jan, 1942.
On 20 January, 1943 this boat landed espionage agent Jean Lallart on the coast of Mauritania near Cape Blanc. Lallart and the two crewmen who rowed him ashore (Bootsmaat Wagner and Matrosenobergefreiter Daschkey) were immediately captured by the French. After waiting in vain for over 13 hours for the crewmen to return, Kptlt. Markworth was forced to abandon his crewmen to whatever fate they had suffered. Ten days later Markworth learned of the capture of his men.
Men lost from the boat
13 Sep, 1942
A man from U-66 took his own life. [Matrose II (Masch.) Horst Keller]
3 Aug, 1943
U-66 was caught by Avenger and Wildcat aircraft from the escort carrier USS Card on 3 August and 3 men were killed and 8 more wounded, including the commander. [Oberleutnant zur See der Reserve Kurt Schütze, Matrosengefreiter Erich Lorenz and Mechanikergefreiter (T) Heinz Nitsch]