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Ardmore - (1914-1924)
"Ardmore", ex. "Delphin" location and date unknown.
(Photo Copyright E. P. Griffith)
Additional Info by Starke & Schell Registers :
DELPHIN - 1913 GE 1Q (aft) (10)
7,129 GRT for Deutsch-Amerik. Petroleum Ges., Hamburg 449.6 x 50.1
Tanker build by Akt. Ges. "Neptun", Rostock (12) #332
Arrived at Norfolk, 16 Aug 1914, voyage Hamburg - Baton Rouge, transferred to U.S. flag
1914 - ARDMORE Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, New York US 212964
1924 - Ardmore SS. Co., Inc. (C. D. Mallory & Co., Inc.), Wilmington, Del.
1941 - Farr Shipping & Operating Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del.
1943 - Bessemer Trust Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del.
1946 - YUNG CHENG China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co., Shanghai CS
1948 - China Tanker Co., Ltd., Shanghai / Kaohsiung TW - 49
Broken up at Keelung, 4th quarter 1950.
"Ardmore", ex. "Delphin" inbound September 13th, 1942.
(Photo US Coast Guard)
"Ardmore", ex. "Delphin" aanchored October 14th, 1943.
(Photo US Coast Guard)